4 Questions You Should Ask Your Custom-Home Builder in Perth

Congratulations, you are about to embark on quite possibly one of the biggest events in your lifetime. Becoming a homeowner is a massive deal and if you have made the decision to build – then that makes the occasion much larger!

Before getting the process underway, it is always wise to scope out what is out there and which builder is the right fit for you. We understand that the decision to build a custom bespoke home can be stressful, even for someone who has had their fair share in the market.

To help you on your journey, here are 4 questions we recommend asking your builder.

What makes you different from other home builders in Perth?

You will hear it everytime. Every home builder is going to say that they are uniquely different and the best. But honestly, what is it about them that makes them so unique? Asking this sort of question will allow the builder to communicate their authenticity and why they stand apart from the rest. On top of that, you will get an idea of their methodology, style, work ethic and personality. At Elven, we take pride in giving individualised attention to each and every project we take on. We are highly approachable and endeavour to always exceed expectations.

How do you handle obstacles to completing a project?

Builders will always try to do right by our clients, however things can happen. Whether it is a pandemic, delays or other unforeseen circumstances, an obstacle to your project is a realistic possibility through the building journey. Expect it!

However, how your Perth custom-home builder handles this can determine whether this is the right match for you. Be sure to ask your builder how they handled a recent complication. This will tell you a lot about the builder’s process and ability to deal with problems, offering you a sigh of relief.

Can we see one of your homes?

We all know the age old adage, the proof is in the pudding. One question you have to ask, if any at all from this list, is a request to see their previous work. If the builder is well reputed, they should have a solid portfolio to back their name. A good Perth home builder should also have past clients willing to sing their praises. By seeing a builders completed projects, you will have a genuine idea of how their work looks as a living breathing concept.

How will I stay up-to-date with my building’s progress?

The most unearthing part of taking on a massive project can be not being kept in the loop through each stage. Be sure to ask your builder about their communication process. The best kind of custom home builders are also excellent communicators. We here at Elven offer small team agility with big team mobility. You will have peace of mind knowing that you are working directly with the owners who will gladly give you regular updates on your project’s progress.

If you are ready to get your project underway, do not hesitate to contat us.

Speak to our team today and we would love to discuss your options. Email us on info@elvenproperty.com.au.

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